Tarot Class!
Learn to Read and Appreciate the Ancient Truth of Tarot Cards.
Phoenix Rising, 696 Water St., Port Townsend
Friday, July 22, 1-4 p.m.
Cost $50 per person
Call ahead to save your place: 360-385-4464
Psychic Joanne Clarkson will lead this event. Participants will study:
- Easy ways to get to know the meaning of each card.
- How to interpret the cards from an immediate, intuitive perspective.
- Lay-outs and ways to use Tarot.
- The difference between Tarot and Oracle decks with examples.
- How to increase your psychic abilities using your Tarot cards.
Hand-outs to take home will be provided. Participants will have an opportunity to practice during the session if they wish.
Psychic Medium Joanne Clarkson has been reading cards and palms since she was a little girl, taught by her grandmother, a professional fortune teller. Through her years of practice with cards as well as her experiences as a Medium, she has developed a love and respect for the power of the Tarot. She reads regularly at Phoenix Rising. See more at Http://JoannethePsychic.com and on Facebook at Joanne the Psychic.