
Readings and Events Provided by Joanne the Psychic

Personal Fortunes

Joanne performs readings for individuals by appointment or at venues or events. She begins with palmistry followed by a tarot reading. Seekers may have a specific question or might be open to what the Universe wants or needs to tell them now.

Readings can easily be done remotely over the phone.

The client sends a photo of their palm via cell phone, email or FB messenger. Then Joanne does with palm reading and Tarot layout with them on the line. A written record of all fortunes is always provided.

Personal Fortunes as Gifts

Joanne provides gifts certificates for a personal fortune for any occasion from birthdays to Christmas to Valentines or as a thank you. Give a present that enriches a life!

Parties or Special Events

Joanne the Psychic can add a Mystic Touch to any party or special event! Examples include birthdays, bridal showers, retirements, anniversaries, holidays (solstice readings and Halloween are especially popular; book early).

Joanne can tailor her presentation and brief readings to any theme from Love to Purpose to What’s Next and Beyond.

She usually begins with a short explanation of where to find certain traits on the palm, then has participants draw 1-3 Tarot cards that she interprets. She can do an in-depth reading for the retiree or birthday girl, bride, etc. Her insights and predictions liven up any gathering!

Workshop or Training Sessions for Groups or Businesses

Palmistry offers insights into such personal traits as communication style, personality, talents, how people learn best, leadership qualities and so on. As a workshop during a training day, Joanne can show the group which signs, shapes and markings on the palm indicate personal tendencies and gifts.

This session offers deep insight into cooperation between many types of individuals and how difference make the organization stronger and more effective.

Usually each person finds out something new about themselves and many amazing attributes of friends and colleagues. Hand-outs provided.


Joanne the Psychic loves to share her knowledge of both Palmistry and Tarot. Group classes and individual sessions can be scheduled. Both Palm and Card reading offer individual enrichment and a rewarding life-long hobby or practice.

Schedule an event or reading with Joanne >>