
Ascended Masters Made Personal

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Recently I listened to a famous psychic talking about Ascended Masters and how we might connect with them. They gave the list that I expected of these beings so close to God, like Jesus, Buddha, Isis, Ganesh, St. Francis, Paul the Venetian and others. I do not deny the power of meditating in the grace of these renown figures or of trying to follow examples of their lives. But my Sun Sign is Aquarius and I am blessed or plagued by having to do something original….

So I decided to breathe into my higher self to find the Ascended Masters who resonated most personally to me. Ones I could relate to intimately in my life now. The Spirits who might whisper wise reassurances and ignite new insights for my specific path and purpose with the gifts and tendencies I have been given.  The number seven came to me, a sacred number.

I indeed received 7 fascinating and very personal figures. The reason I am sharing this is because I think each of us might benefit from finding a Wisdom Team of Beings who succeeded somehow in this world to bless and inspire others. The list I got came very fast as most messages from Spirit do for me. But yours might come slowly over days or weeks. And I expect my list to change as my purpose shifts and finds new outlets.

Here are the ones I got: Mokosh, Veronika, Kwan Yin, Cecily Saunders, Mary Oliver, Gwendolyn Brooks and Jess.

Mokosh was my maiden name, the surname of my Czechoslovakian immigrant grandparents. I found out a few years ago that she is the matriarch in the Slavic pantheon. Not a glamorous woman figure, but one built from agricultural fields, hard work and service. She had big hands. She worried about weather. She helped with both weaving and childbirth.

Veronika was my grandmother’s first name, but also the name of a figure from the Bible. The woman who stepped from the crowd as Jesus carried his cross to Calvary, took off her veil and wiped away the sweat and blood that stained his face. An image of his face, so legend has it, remained forever imprinted on her headscarf. This is the only mention of her, this one brave, kind act.

Next I got Kwan Yin, the princess who became a servant and when, after her death, when told by Spirit she could become an Ascended Master, chose instead to return to the Earth she so dearly loved to continue her work of loving service.

Next Cecily Saunders, the woman who founded the modern Hospice movement. The work where I found so much fulfillment. Her story, though, is one of change and striving, aiming toward a goal and vision. She was a nurse, then when she injured her back, a social worker. Finally in late middle age she became a physician. She was blessed with several inspired relationships but didn’t find her long-term soulmate and marry until she was in her 50s.

Poetry has been my artistic and spiritual practice since I was a child, so it isn’t surprising that I received Mary Oliver, a poet of the natural world that everybody relates to. Who found the perfect combination of words for beauty and kindness.

Gwendolyn Brooks another famous poet also joined my team. I actually met her years ago. I love her poetry because it is about ordinary people and how ordinary lives are important and beautiful. I love to write about people.

Lastly Jess came through. He is my main Spirit Guide, and a beacon to many – both throughout his 101 years on earth and in the afterlife. He was a physician and also wrote and read poetry. He loved music and art. He believed in life-long unrestricted learning and helped found the Evergreen State College. He took classes there when he was in his 90s!

Don’t wait! Start today! You may well have one or more of the conventional Masters on your list. Yet you will find famous people who are mentors especially for you. Many people have such figures as Abraham Lincoln or Amelia Earhart! Spend time with each of them. Journal how they enrich your life!!!